All of our horses and burros were saved from abuse and neglect. Many were bound for slaughter.
You can turn their tragedy into triumph.

Our sanctuary residents are saved from abusive situations, abandonment, Premarin farms and feedlots where their last stop is slaughter.
Dreamchaser is a 501(c)(3) organization that rescues horses and transports them to our ranch in Falcon, Missouri. At Dreamchaser we gentle them (most are wild), rehabilitate them physically and emotionally, and work to place them in qualified, loving homes. Please help us help them, by supporting the ranch and our programs. Thank you!
Don't want to donate online?
You may be thinking I would really like to donate but don't want to do so online...that's ok! We offer many ways to donate as well as the old-fashioned way; the mail! If you would like to send a check through the mail please make it payable to:
Dreamchaser PMU Rescue
Our mailing address is 6340 Kincheloe Drive, Falcon MO 65470.
Please see below links for other online donation options.
Your gift will aid in the 3 R's: Rescuing, Rehabilitating, and Re-homing a Horse!!
Please give now
Want 100% of your donation to go to the sanctuary?
Use one of the above links or donate by mail.